Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

Electric roller skates, also known as e-skates, electric inline skates, or electric rollerblades have become increasingly popular in recent years.


These high-tech skates are powered by electric motors, providing a fun and unique way to get around. Whether you're looking to cruise around your neighbourhood or commute to work, electric roller skates are a great option for anyone looking for a unique mode of transportation. In this complete guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about electric roller skates, from the different types available to tips for riding safely. 

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

Types of Electric Skates

There are two main types of electric skates: electric roller skates and electric inline skates (electric rollerblades).

Electric roller skates and electric inline skates (also known as electric rollerblades) are both types of electric-powered personal transportation devices designed for recreational or short-distance commuting. However, they have some key differences in terms of design and usage:

1. Design and Configuration:

Electric Roller Skates: Electric roller skates typically consist of two separate motorized units, one for each foot. Each unit is equipped with its own motor, battery, and control system. The skater places one foot inside each unit, similar to wearing regular shoes or roller skates.

Electric Inline Skates: Electric inline skates resemble traditional inline skates (rollerblades) and have a more familiar design. They usually have one motorized unit that is mounted to the frame of each skate. The motor and battery are integrated into the unit, and the skater wears both skates simultaneously.

2. Foot Placement and Stability:

Electric Roller Skates: Using electric roller skates can feel more similar to walking or wearing roller skates. Each foot is separately powered, which can provide a unique and potentially more stable feeling for some users.

Electric Inline Skates: Electric inline skates offer a more traditional skating experience, where both feet are placed side by side on a single frame. This design may be more familiar to those who have experience with inline skating.

3. Control and Maneuverability:

Electric Roller Skates: With separate motorized units for each foot, electric roller skates can potentially offer greater maneuverability and the ability to perform unique turning or spinning movements.

Electric Inline Skates: Electric inline skates provide a familiar inline skating experience, allowing users to leverage their existing inline skating skills and techniques for control and maneuverability.

4. Learning Curve:

Electric Roller Skates: Some users may find electric roller skates easier to learn, especially if they have no prior experience with inline skating. The separate foot units may offer a more stable and intuitive feeling.

Electric Inline Skates: Users with previous inline skating experience may find it easier to adapt to electric inline skates due to the familiar foot placement and control.

Both types of electric skates offer the convenience of electric propulsion, allowing users to travel with less effort compared to traditional skating. The choice between electric roller skates and electric inline skates often comes down to personal preference, familiarity with skating styles, and the specific features offered by each type. As with any personal transportation device, it's important to prioritize safety, wear appropriate protective gear, and follow local laws and regulations when using electric skates. Check our video on how we built our first prototype of electric roller skates - Wheelfeet!


Choosing the Right Electric Roller Skates

When choosing electric roller skates, there are several factors to consider, such as the size of the wheels, the weight of the skates, and the battery life. The size of the wheels will determine how fast you can go and how smooth your ride will be, while the weight of the skates will affect how easy they are to maneuver. The battery life is also an important consideration, as it will determine how long you can ride before needing to recharge.

It's also important to consider the safety features of the electric roller skates you choose. Look for skates with sturdy frames and reliable brakes to ensure your safety while riding. Additionally, wearing a helmet and other protective gear is always recommended when riding electric roller skates.

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

Riding Electric Roller Skates Safely

When riding electric roller skates, safety should always be a top priority. Always wear a helmet and other protective gear, such as knee and elbow pads. Additionally, it's important to ride in a safe location, such as a park or designated bike lane. Avoid riding on busy roads or in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic.

It's also important to be aware of your surroundings when riding electric roller skates. Keep an eye out for obstacles and other hazards, such as potholes or uneven pavement. Always ride at a safe speed and be prepared to stop or slow down if necessary.


Getting Started with Electric Roller Skates

If you're new to electric roller skates, it's important to start slow and build up your skills gradually. Practice riding in a safe location, such as a park or empty parking lot, until you feel comfortable on the skates. As you become more comfortable, you can start to ride in more challenging locations and at higher speeds.

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there such thing as electric rollerblades

Even a while ago, none of the electric skates or rollerblades were widely recognised. It's only in a few last years when brands such as Escend or Airtrick occurred. Technically speaking of electric rollerblades - the most well-known brand would be Escend blades as they introduced the first popular electric inline skates to the international market. There is also a company called Atmos, but the wires coming out from their boots attached to the skates didn't really helped their low popularity. When it comes to electric roller skates (e-skates), one company to mention would be definitely Airtrick as they're producing the number one electric roller skates on the market, so far. We would like to humbly admit here we've already finished our first prototype of our version of electric roller skates - Wheelfeet and they will be available in about October/Novemeber 2023! 

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

2. Are there any DIY electric roller skates? Can you make electric skates at home?

Yes, there are definitely some DIY electric roller skates already and it is possible to create DIY e-skates with some technical skills and the right components. People have experimented with adding electric propulsion to roller skates or rollerblades by retrofitting them with electric motors, batteries, and controllers. One example of that could be using the e-skateboard kit to make DIY electric roller skates:

Here's a general overview of the steps involved in creating your own DIY electric roller skates:

1. Select Components: Choose an appropriate electric motor, battery, and controller based on the desired speed, range, and power of your DIY electric roller skates. Make sure the components are compatible and can be safely integrated into your roller skates.

1. Modify Skates: Depending on the design of your roller skates, you may need to make modifications to accommodate the motor, battery, and other components. This could involve creating mounting brackets, securing the motor, and ensuring the components are well-balanced.

2. Wiring and Electronics: Connect the motor, battery, and controller with the necessary wiring. This may involve soldering, wiring management, and ensuring all connections are secure and insulated.

3. Control System: Integrate a control system, which could be a handheld remote control or a wireless module connected to your smartphone. This will allow you to control the speed and direction of your electric roller skates.

4. Safety Measures: Ensure you incorporate safety features such as braking systems, protective gear (helmet, knee pads, etc.), and fail-safes in case of unexpected issues.

5. Testing and Calibration: Before using your DIY electric roller skates, thoroughly test and calibrate the system to ensure it functions correctly and safely. Test in a controlled environment before using them in more challenging settings.

6. Legal Considerations: Be aware of any local regulations or laws regarding electric vehicles and personal transportation devices. Some areas may have restrictions on where and how electric roller skates can be used.

Please note that creating DIY electric roller skates requires technical skills and an understanding of electronics and mechanics. If you're not experienced in these areas, it's important to approach this project with caution or seek assistance from someone who has the necessary expertise. Always prioritize safety when working on DIY projects involving electrical components.

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know 

3. What is an electric skateboard called? 

An electric skateboard is commonly referred to as an "e-skateboard" or simply an "electric skateboard." These terms are used to describe a skateboard that is equipped with an electric motor and battery, allowing it to be propelled without the need for pushing with your foot. Electric skateboards typically have a handheld remote control or a wireless module that allows the rider to control the speed and braking of the board. They have gained popularity as a convenient and fun mode of personal transportation.

4. What is an e skate?

An "e-skate" is a colloquial abbreviation for an electric skateboard. It refers to a skateboard that is equipped with an electric motor and a battery, allowing it to be propelled without manual pushing. E-skates are controlled using a handheld remote or a wireless module, which allows the rider to control the speed and braking of the skateboard. E-skates have gained popularity as a convenient and efficient mode of personal transportation, especially for short commutes or recreational riding. The term "e-skate" is often used in online communities and discussions related to electric skateboards.

5. What are electric inline skates?

Electric inline skates, also known as electric rollerblades or e-skates, are a type of personal transportation device that combines the design of traditional inline skates (rollerblades) with electric propulsion. These devices are equipped with electric motors and batteries that provide power to the wheels, allowing the user to move without manually pushing off the ground.

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

Electric inline skates typically consist of the following components:

1. Motor: An electric motor is integrated into each skate's wheel or wheels. The motor provides the necessary propulsion to move the skates forward.

2. Battery: A rechargeable battery pack is usually located on the underside of each skate. These batteries provide the energy required to power the motors.

3. Control System: E-skates are controlled using a handheld remote control or a wireless module that connects to the skater's smartphone. This control system allows the rider to adjust speed, acceleration, and braking.

4. Safety Features: Some electric inline skates may include safety features such as regenerative braking (which helps recharge the battery while slowing down), LED lights for visibility, and stability-enhancing technologies.

5. Design and Construction: E-skates are designed to resemble traditional inline skates, with added components to house the motor, battery, and electronics. The design aims to maintain a balance between aesthetics, comfort, and functionality.

Electric inline skates offer an alternative way to commute, travel short distances, or enjoy recreational skating. They provide a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation for individuals who enjoy rollerblading and want to incorporate electric propulsion into their activities. Just like other electric personal transportation devices, it's important to use them safely and adhere to local laws and regulations regarding their use.

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

6. Can you rollerblade on ice?

Yes, it is possible to rollerblade on ice, but it requires specialized equipment designed for this purpose. Ice skates and rollerblades have different designs and components due to the different surfaces they are meant to be used on. Traditional rollerblades have wheels that are not suitable for ice, as they lack the necessary grip and control.

Ice skates, on the other hand, are specifically designed with sharp blades that can grip and glide smoothly on ice. Ice skates have a single blade attached to the bottom of the boot, which allows for controlled movement and turns on icy surfaces like frozen lakes, ice rinks, or outdoor ice skating rinks.

If you're interested in skating on ice, you should use ice skates designed for that purpose rather than attempting to use regular rollerblades. Using rollerblades on ice without the proper modifications can be dangerous and is not recommended. Always prioritize safety and use the appropriate equipment for the surface you intend to skate on.

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

7. Is there a sport for electric roller skates?

Yes, there are several sports and activities that involve roller skates, and they have their own unique communities and competitions. Some popular roller skating sports and disciplines include:

1. Roller Derby: Roller derby is a fast-paced and highly physical sport played on quad roller skates. It involves two teams of skaters competing in races and strategic gameplay on an oval track. Roller derby has gained significant popularity and has both amateur and professional leagues.

2. Speed Skating: Roller speed skating is a competitive sport where participants race on inline or quad skates around an oval track. It emphasizes speed, endurance, and technique. Speed skating events can vary in distance, from short sprints to longer races.

3. Figure Skating: Roller figure skating is similar to ice figure skating but performed on roller skates. Skaters perform intricate routines and figures, often set to music, showcasing their skill and artistic expression.

4. Rink Hockey: Also known as roller hockey or quad hockey, rink hockey is a team sport played on quad roller skates. Teams compete to score goals in a rink, similar to ice hockey.

5. Freestyle Slalom: Freestyle slalom involves performing intricate and stylish maneuvers through a series of cones or obstacles. Skaters use a combination of balance, control, and creativity to execute tricks and routines.

6. Inline Hockey: Inline hockey is similar to rink hockey but played on inline skates. It's a fast-paced sport with teams competing to score goals in a rink.

7. Aggressive Inline Skating: This discipline focuses on performing tricks, grinds, and aerial maneuvers on obstacles such as rails, ramps, and skate parks. It combines elements of rollerblading with street and park skateboarding.

8. Roller Soccer: Roller soccer is a variant of soccer played on roller skates or inline skates. Players use sticks to hit a ball into the opposing team's goal.

These are just a few examples of roller skating sports and disciplines. Roller skating offers a diverse range of activities that cater to different interests and skill levels, from competitive sports to artistic and recreational pursuits. If you're interested in getting involved, you can look for local clubs, leagues, or events related to the specific roller skating sport you're interested in.

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

8. How do you accelerate with roller skates?

Accelerating with roller skates involves using a combination of pushing techniques and body movements to generate forward momentum. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to accelerate with roller skates:

1. Stance and Balance: Begin in a stable and balanced stance. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and your weight centered over the wheels. Proper balance is essential for a smooth acceleration.

2. Push Technique (Quad Skates): If you're using quad roller skates, the most common way to accelerate is by using a push-and-glide technique. Push one foot outward and backward at an angle, using the inside edge of the opposite foot's wheel to generate power. As you push, transfer your weight to the gliding foot. Then, alternate pushing with each foot to maintain a steady rhythm and increase your speed.

3. Stride Technique (Inline Skates): For inline skates, use a striding motion to accelerate. Push one leg outward and backward, extending it fully while propelling yourself forward. As your pushing foot reaches the end of its extension, bring it back underneath your body and push with the other foot. Alternate legs in a smooth and rhythmic motion.

4. Use Your Arms: Swing your arms in coordination with your leg movements to assist with balance and generate additional momentum. Your arm movements should complement your leg movements, creating a fluid and efficient motion.

5. Shift Your Weight: To maintain a smooth acceleration, shift your weight from side to side as you push. This helps you generate more power with each stride and maintain your balance.

6. Practice and Patience: Acceleration with roller skates requires practice and patience. Focus on developing a comfortable and efficient technique. Gradually increase your speed as you become more confident and comfortable.

7. Use Terrain and Momentum: Take advantage of slight downward slopes, gentle inclines, or a slight push-off from stationary to help initiate your acceleration. Using existing momentum can make acceleration easier.

8. Proper Footwear: Ensure you are wearing properly fitting roller skates that provide good support and control. Properly laced or secured skates will help you maintain stability and control while accelerating.

Remember, safety is paramount when skating. Always wear appropriate protective gear such as a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. Practice in a safe and open area, and gradually increase your speed as you become more proficient. If you're a beginner, consider taking lessons from a skating instructor to learn proper techniques and avoid common mistakes. When using electric roller skates, you accelerate using your handy navigator, pushing it outward with your thumb. Additionally, you can use all of the techniques described above, too. 

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know

9. What is roller freestyle skating?

Roller freestyle skating, also known as freestyle rollerblading or freeskating, is a dynamic and creative form of roller skating that focuses on performing tricks, spins, jumps, and stylish movements on various terrains, including streets, skate parks, and other urban environments. It combines elements of artistic expression, acrobatics, and technical skill to create a visually impressive and exciting skating style.

Key features of roller freestyle skating include:

Tricks and Maneuvers: Skaters perform a wide range of tricks and maneuvers, such as spins, grinds (sliding along rails or ledges), jumps, slides, flips, and intricate footwork. These tricks often require a high level of balance, coordination, and control.

Creativity and Individuality: Roller freestyle skating places a strong emphasis on personal creativity and individual style. Skaters often develop their unique combinations of tricks and movements, allowing them to express themselves artistically.

1. Urban Environment: Freestyle skaters often use the urban environment as their playground, utilizing street obstacles, stairs, ramps, benches, railings, and other features to perform tricks. This style of skating is closely associated with exploring and interacting with the cityscape.

2. Equipment: Skaters use specialized inline skates (rollerblades) designed for freestyle skating. These skates typically have smaller wheels for greater agility, improved maneuverability, and a responsive feel.

3. Community and Culture: Freestyle skating has a strong community of enthusiasts who share their tricks, videos, and experiences through social media, online platforms, and local skating groups. This community-driven aspect helps skaters learn from one another and push the boundaries of what's possible.

4. Competitions and Events: Roller freestyle skating has gained popularity through competitions and events that showcase skaters' skills and creativity. These events can include freestyle skate jams, trick contests, and exhibitions.

5. Styles and Disciplines: Roller freestyle skating encompasses various styles and disciplines, such as slalom (performing tricks around a series of cones), aggressive skating (performing tricks on obstacles and ramps), and urban skating (utilizing the cityscape for tricks and movement).

Roller freestyle skating offers skaters a platform to express themselves creatively while pushing their physical limits. It's a visually engaging and challenging form of skating that appeals to those who enjoy both the technical aspects of skating and the artistic freedom to create their unique movements and routines.

Electric Roller Skates Complete Guide | Electric Skates & How To | Everything You need to know 

Overall, electric roller skates are a fun and unique way to get around. Whether you're looking for a new way to commute to work or just want to cruise around your neighbourhood, electric roller skates are a great option. With the right equipment and a focus on safety, you can enjoy all the benefits of electric roller skating.

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How to Choose Electric Roller Skates? Everything You Need to Know When Buying Eskates

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